Saturday, August 27, 2011

Better than Nerve Pills

Let me first start off by saying all is well with our place at Southport. Sonny said we had some minor debris and lots and lots of wind and rain.  It has been raining about 8 hours now. 

Courtesy of Joyce outside her window at Caswell Beach

He said our yard is a swimming pool.  Owen would love to hear that. 

So after walking the floors last night, I got started with some wonderful fresh ground coffee (tks Belvadear), I cleaned up the kitchen and loaded up the dishwasher.  Then took my keys and walked out the door.  Yep it was time for a pedicure to calm my nerves.  It felt great to be pampered after a long night watching the weather channel. 

Notice I am knitting in public.....

So when you want to save your nerve pills, may I recommend a relaxing pedicure and pick a color outside your box...

Color: Not Any Waitress by O.P.I., bunion courtesy of Mom

Have a wonderful Saturday night and stay safe to all.

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